Grandmother Karma: beyond nostalgia

Through the looking glass of tea, stories, and dark days . . . Another memoir in the works . . . Tim is reflecting on 1967, a year of many scenarios. I do my usual mix of this and that, including painting in the studio . . . A few thoughts about my grandmothers are partContinue reading “Grandmother Karma: beyond nostalgia”

Mirrors and a Hat: unbearable lightness of being

My last post was several months ago and also featured mirrors. I have collected an assortment of mirrors along the way. There is something about the dispersion of light and intimate view of the material world–the metaphors around reflections. Since the author Milan Kundera recently passed away, I watched again the popular late 1980s movieContinue reading “Mirrors and a Hat: unbearable lightness of being”

Not the Daily News: ordinary life

Poet William Carlos Williams wrote: so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens. Consider a yellow chair and a green shed. In 1986 I pulled this sturdy oak chair from a dumpster on Franklin Street in downtown Manhattan. I carried it around the corner to my artContinue reading “Not the Daily News: ordinary life”

Words & Pictures: finding poetry everywhere

It’s April 3rd and we are into National Poetry Month. Tim posted this haiku on Facebook today: Morning and still,A little snow sweeping,Across the deck. I wrote a previous post about the three simple lines. Now and then I create what I call a “Picture and Word Box,” essentially an image with a haiku. IContinue reading “Words & Pictures: finding poetry everywhere”

Artist Memoir: the inside story of lastingness

In a previous post I wrote about lastingness–the idea of carrying on, remaining devoted, tending to the garden (interests, relationships, self-care, creativity) one has planted along the way (and weeding out the unnecessary). My favorite genre of film and literature is documentary and memoir. I just watched two an excellent ones . . . ValContinue reading “Artist Memoir: the inside story of lastingness”